The Library will be closed Monday, February 17th in observance of Presidents' Day.

🌱 Calling All Plant Lovers! 🌱
Whether you're a seasoned gardener with a green thumb or just starting out, join us for our Monthly Plant Swap! It's a fun and free way to share your love of plants, swap cuttings, seeds, succulents, houseplants, and gardening tips with fellow plant enthusiasts. The concept is simple: Give a plant, take a plant!
We welcome all types of plants, including:
- Houseplants 🌿
- Ground covers 🌾
- Herbs 🌱
- Small plants 🍃
There is absolutely no cost! 🌟
To make the swap as smooth as possible, please label your plants before bringing them. If you need labels, we’ve got you covered — just pick up some free plant tags at the event.
You can also drop off your plants and seedlings anytime throughout the month at the planting station on the Second Floor.
No registration required — just come, swap, and grow your collection!