Launched in 2021, the Tales of Alhambra Mobile Library makes regular visits to parks, schools, and other locations throughout Alhambra. You can register for a library card, check out materials, and pick up programming and activity kits, in addition to seasonal story times and crafts.
Check our Events Calendar to view upcoming Mobile Library visits.
Wednesdays at a park near you!
February 12th 12:30pm - 2pm Alhambra Park (near the playground)
Story Time begins at 1pm
February 19th 10am - 11:30am Emery Park (near the playground)
Story Time begins at 10:30am
February 26th 12:30pm - 2pm Story Park (top of the hill near Woodward & Chapel)
Story Time begins at 1pm
March 5th 12:30pm - 2pm Granada Park (near the playground)
Story Time begins at 1pm
March 12th 12:30pm - 2pm Almansor Park (on Adam St. near walking lap)
Story Time begins at 1pm
March 19th 12:30pm - 2pm Alhambra Park (near the playground)
Story Time begins at 1pm
March 26th 10am - 11:30am Emery Park (near the playground)
Story Time begins at 10:30am
April 2nd 12:30pm - 2pm Story Park (top of the hill near Woodward & Chapel)
Story Time begins at 1pm
April 9th 12:30pm - 2pm Granada Park (near the playground)
Story Time begins at 1pm
April 16th 12:30pm - 2pm Almansor Park (on Adam St. near walking lap)
Story Time begins at 1pm