The Friends Bookstore is located on the Second Floor of the Library. The Friends Bookstore is run entirely by our wonderful volunteers!  

The store sells a variety of all-ages books, movies, and gift items, in English, Chinese, Spanish, and Vietnamese. Also, some of the rarest items get listed in the Friends Bookstore eBay store front from time to time.

All proceeds directly benefit the Alhambra Library.



Tuesday-Wednesday: 12pm-7pm

Thursday-Saturday: 12pm-4pm

Closed Sundays and Mondays



The mission of the Alhambra Library Foundation is to support the enhancement of Library facilities, services, and programs and to establish a permanent library endowment to benefit the citizens of the greater Alhambra area.

The primary goal of the Alhambra Library Foundation is to obtain the resources necessary to augment Library services that enrich the lives of the area-wide citizens through traditional informational needs and as an access point to the digital age.

Operating independently from the City of Alhambra, which bears the expenses of operating and maintaining the Library, the Foundation's Board includes members of Alhambra Library Board of Trustees and diverse representatives of Alhambra's corporate and private communities dedicated to enabling the Library to meet the challenges of the twenty-first century. 

The Foundation has launched a permanent endowment to support future Library programs and services and to provide personalized financial planning assistance to members of the philanthropic community.



  • Active fundraising for services and programs
  • Active publicity, reaching everyone in the community
  • Building alternative avenues to expand services to the community



Donations to the Foundation support Library programming, summer reading, literacy, collection development, and more! All donations are tax-deductible and go directly to supporting the Alhambra Library.

Please make checks payable to:

Alhambra Public Library Foundation

Mail your check to:

Alhambra Library Foundation
101 S. First St.
Alhambra, CA 91801